Malasseziosis secondary to canine atopic dermatitis in Shih Tzu: case report
M. pachydermatis., malassezia, ACDAbstract
Introduction: In the medical clinic of small animals, Malassezia is a disease routinely found, with the species Malassezia pachydermatis being the most common etiological agent. The exaggerated proliferation of Malassezia spp contributes to increased pruritus and is often associated with a primary cause such as allergic dermatopathies, endocrinopathies, keratinization disorders or in association with prolonged antibiotic therapy. Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is an allergic skin dermatosis, of chronic, genetic nature, of multifactorial origin, pririginous which results in skin lesions. The objective of this study is to report the case of a Shih Tzu dog diagnosed with malassezia secondary to canine atopic dermatitis. Case report: A Shih Tzu dog, 8 years and 5 months old, weighing 7.3 kg, from the city of Friburgo, reported intense pruritus, dermatitis since the age of two, and recurrent otitis. Through the history, anamnesis, clinical signs, complementary exams and differential diagnosis of pruritus, it was concluded that the dog had ACD induced by food and environmental allergens and secondary malasseziosis. Discussion: Canine atopic dermatitis has a multifactorial origin, and may involve genetic and environmental factors, which results in pruritic and inflammatory skin lesions. Multimodal treatment usually lasts throughout the animal's life and favorable results are due to periodic monitoring by the veterinarian. Conclusion: The disease is of great importance in the medical clinic of small animals and further studies on its diagnosis are necessary, since it is difficult to perform because it is easily confused with other skin diseases.
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