Epidemiological aspects and temporal dynamics of congenital syphilis in the Médio Paraíba Region


  • William Brian Souza Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)
  • Hugo Nonato Lustosa Correia Exército Brasileiro
  • Michele Monteiro Rocha Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)




Sífilis Congênita; Assistência Pré-Natal; Atenção Básica; Estudos Epidemiológicos.


Objective: The objective of this work is based on statistically analyzing and describing the epidemiological dynamics of congenital syphilis and its particularities in the Médio Paraíba region, Rio de Janeiro, from 2009 to 2019 Method: This descriptive, cross-sectional study used secondary data referring to the Médio Paraíba region. The period of analysis was from January 2009 to December 2019.Results: In the period studied (2009 to 2019), this region showed a significant increase in the number of cases of congenital syphilis (CS) in the Médio Paraíba region; the average incidence of congenital syphilis cases was 7.04/1000 live births, growing continuously and considerably from 2009 (0.9 cases/1000 live births) to 2019 (15.1 cases/1,000 live births), with a change annual percentage of 32.8% (95%CI: 27.5 to 38.4). Discussion: It is already well established that the quality of prenatal care is closely related to the number of cases of congenital syphilis. Given the broad prenatal coverage, the high numbers of gestational and congenital syphilis are inconsistent. Conclusions: This study demonstrates results that indicate flaws in the health system that need to be corrected, especially in relation to the preparation of health professionals to know how to track, diagnose and treat women with gestational syphilis and children with congenital syphilis.


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Author Biography

Michele Monteiro Rocha, Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)



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How to Cite

Souza, W. B., Nonato Lustosa Correia, H. ., & Monteiro Rocha, M. . (2022). Epidemiological aspects and temporal dynamics of congenital syphilis in the Médio Paraíba Region. Revista Saber Digital, 15(3), e20221520. https://doi.org/10.24859/SaberDigital.2022v15n3.1370


