Social representation of professional care in the context of HIV in the Brazilian Amazon region
HIV/AIDS, Healthcare, Amazon region, Social Representations, Health professionalAbstract
Objective- To analyze the social representations of health professionals in the Brazilian Amazon on care for people living with HIV. Materials and Method- Exploratory, descriptive study, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, based on the Theory of Social Representations, using the structural approach. It was carried out with 194 health professionals who worked in AIDS referral services, in the cities of Manaus (AM), Belém and Santarém (PA) - northern region of Brazil. The data collection was carried out with a questionnaire of free evocations of the inducing term "Care for people with HIV/AIDS" and sociodemographic characterization. Data analysis was performed with the support of EVOC 2005 software for prototypical analysis of social representations and SPSS for characterization of groups. Results- There was a social representation that conceives the care of people with HIV based on educational practices, humanization, technically oriented and emotional support, inserted institutionally and present in scientific knowledge about health care in general. Discussion: Professionals are concerned with carrying out actions for health care, so that there is adherence to treatment, emphasizing the importance of health information and education, with respect and patience so that the client has better adherence to treatment, quality of life and quality of life. future perspective. Conclusion- The constitutive terms of this representation express the conceptual, affective and attitudinal dimensions that reveal a humanized and technified care, without specificity to HIV at the central level.
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